Online Course


Transform your future NOW!

In just a few hours, master the secrets to winning scholarships like a pro. Learn insider strategies to find, apply for, manage and secure scholarships effortlessly. Enroll today and pave your way to a 100% debt-free college experience!


Course Curriculum

Unit One: Prepare for Scholarships

Time for Applying

Finding Time

Activity: Finding Time

The Do’s and Don’ts of Applying for Scholarships

Be Creative in Saving Money – It’s Like Receiving a Scholarship!

$ For College While Still in High School

Questions to Ask Your Parents

Student Loans

Activity: Compare a Student Loan Payment to Your Future Monthly Salary

Finding Colleges

Attend a Tuition-Free Institution

Activity: Finding Colleges

Real-life Example

More College Tools

Master Application

Master Application Video

Activity: Community Service


Activity: Finding Essays

Unit Two: Create a Positive Mindset

Create a Positive Mindset

Technique #1

Technique #2

Technique #3

Vision Boards

Activity: Vision Boards

Declarations and Affirmations

Activity: Declarations and Affirmations

Unit Three: Find Scholarships

How to Find Scholarships

1. FAFSA (Government Aid/Pell Grants)

2. Attending College in the State You Live In

3. High School Scholarships

Activity: Find High School Scholarships

4. Student or Parent Employers

5. College Scholarships and Waivers

6. Local Scholarships

7. Google Search Scholarships

Activity: Google Search

8. Scholarship Search Engines

9. Military and Veterans

10. Master’s and Doctorate Scholarships

Unit Four: Apply for Scholarships

Apply for Scholarships

Appeals and Petitions

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Satisfaction Guarantee

If you complete the course, apply for at least 8 scholarships following our scholarship search order, and receive fewer than 2 scholarships, we’ll give you a full refund for the course.

Are you ready to start APPLYING for SCHOLARSHIPS?

Enroll in this course to get through COLLEGE DEBT-FREE!